Khan’s Words and Actions

Sh. Fakhir Jibran
3 min readMar 17, 2020


Imran Khan — a star, a proud and a national hero — but apparently a flop in politics as he has done nothing exceptional in his eighteen-months long prime ministership. Like others, he took the liberty of verbalizing everything he liked, whether good or bad, when he was not in power. Now his previous statements and pretentious speeches are the biggest source of humiliation for him. It is wisely said that the Empty pots make the most noise; a huge difference between his words and actions is slowing unleashing his incompetence. Khan’s performance as Prime Minister has remained disappointing for the nation. Those who desperately wanted to see Khan in the Prime Minister’s office have now realized that running a country is wholly different than leading huge charity campaigns, playing cricket, giving tough looks, and inspiring people with eloquence and rhetoric.

Khan’s assertions and tall claims quickly faded away after the elections because they were never pragmatic.

Before elections, Khan’s charisma and his heart-winning statements quickly won the hearts of this deprived nation. His vision of “Naya Pakistan” was quite inspirational although too idealistic. He reinvigorated a new zeal in the youth. However, he also did a lot of dirty politics to win popularity. The central theme of his election campaign was to recklessly blame and mortify the existing Pakistani politicians. Against them, he popularized words like “Chor” (Thugs), “Daaku” (looters) and “Corrupt”. He brilliantly played the trump card of the corruption cases against the Sharif family (previous government). He spread massive hatred against them on every forum. They were blatantly exposed in front of the nation so that the nation would choose Khan’s party in the next elections. Khan made the people believe that the solution for every problem was getting rid of Nawaz Sharif and people simply believed him. Now that Nawaz is no more in Pakistani politics, the idiocy of Khan’s narrative has been exposed. His vision of Naya Pakistan also proved to be a fool’s paradise.

Just think it this way, a person having no experience of administration or governance directly became the prime minister of a crisis-stricken country, without adequate public support, without a proper team, and without a proper plan. What do you expect to happen?

We all have heard the story of Nero who “fiddled while Rome burned.” The story fits on the Pakistani nation. We chose a charismatic person who can do so many inspirational things with distinction but is incompetent for the chair of Prime Ministership. The nation is suffering, the economy is faltering, the country is sinking but Mr.Khan is doing what he is expert of doing — blaming Nawaz Sharif and others for the economic crisis and raising people’s spirits with the same old assertions. Similarly, the voters and supporters of PTI are also blowing the trumpets of Khan. If anything wrong happens, they also say “It’s Nawaz Sharif’s fault”, “They were the thugs”, and so on.



Sh. Fakhir Jibran

Fakhir is a student of Political Science at the University of the Punjab, Lahore. At present, he is working as a freelance journalist.